Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Why is friendship so hard for some people? Yes, relationships are hard for many reasons, but sometimes dissention is just stupid. Instead of acting hostile because we are hurt, why do we not talk about it? I am very sure that most difficulties with other people happens over misunderstandings and different perspectives. People aren't mind readers. No one knows that something they said or did struck a nerve in you unless you tell them. Unfortunatley, not all people care if you say, hey, you pissed me off when you... Why are we so defensive? Everyone pisses someone off at some point in time. Instead, we should remember we are human and repent to our friend, or at least apologize that they feel that way. Take these times to re-evaluate how we treat others and our actions. In the end, I am really annoyed with immature, I don't want to be your friend cause I'm hurt and you pissed me off. Yes, there are toxic friendships, but when you have bent over backwards for someone, stuck by them through thick and thin, and they say they don't want to be your friend because you told them that they are rude sometimes is a little silly. I know, I went into a personal situation, and I don't mean for this blog to be all about private matters, but my point is that friendships are hard, and there is a lot of needless pain and dissension simply because people cannot communicate, or tell the truth. I wish people would not ignore me if they were upset with me, or were afraid they would hurt me. I'm a big girl, I can handle it, and I can talk through a problem calmly (most of the time). Let's respect one another, lets use the law of love Paul describes in Romans 14 and 15.

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