Thursday, August 30, 2007


There is a large demonstration going on with pictures of aborted fetuses that make me want to puke. They are pushing the idea that abortion is genocide. I personally believe abortion is murder and should only be done when the mother's life is in danger. I don't, however think this view is correlated causally with being a Christain. I think the passage Christians use to support abortion being a sin is in Jeremiah where it says God knew us before we were made, before we were formed, knew us in the womb, something like that. Okay, I guess that would biblically say that a fetus is living and that aborting it is murder, but aside from that note, being against abortion does not mean you are a Christain and being a Christian does not make you anti-abortion. I just think that a fetus has the potential to become a breathing. living being outside the womb (a fetus, can live with much medical assistance after 22 weeks), and one could argue that well birth control or absitenence were murder because you are eliminating potentials. One girl was holdng a sign that said "Ejaculation is murder." I don't agree with this because you could go into infinity with potentials and secondly sperm by itself cannot make a baby. Once the sperm and the egg come together (conception) then it has the possibility of becoming a real, no bones about it human being. Birth control prevents conception just as abstinence, so therefore, murder cannot happen until conception occurs. Anyway, I don't understand how someone cannot see abortion, especially after the first trimester not as muder. When you can see formation, how is it not murder? I remember the days I was pro-choice. In the 2000 election everyone said if Bush won we would have abortion illegal. I was afraid because I thought "What if I needed to have one?" It was a selfish. If you don't want a baby, don't have sex, or use a condom paired with birth control pills. Get your tubes tied, something. Although she is really dumb, Trishelle from the real world said during a pregnancy scare something very good, "It's not the baby's fault that I was irresponsible." It's not their fault. Take repsonsibilty and the consequences of your own actions. You can't abort other problems, don't think you can abort a life YOU created. Now if cases of rape and incest: again its not the baby's fault. These are horrible situations but THERE IS ALWAYS ADOPTION. I remember in my pro-choice days I also used to think that I would abort a baby out of wedlock becuase it wouldn't be good for the baby to grow up without a dad, or if it was retarted because that wouldn't be a life. I am now of the sound mind that any life is good life. How do I know that a retarted person hates their life? How do I know dying is better than living? So even if they were born unwanted or with medical complications, any life is a good life, and it is still murder. Also, some say people will die from illegal abortions. This pales in comparison to the number of babies dying THROUGH abortion. Also, there is always adoption, the moring after pill, contraceptives and abstinence. If they are dumb enough to stick a clothes hanger up their vagina, I'm sorry, but they get the consequences of their own actions. If they have no is free to give a child up for adoption. Maybe the answer is a charity to help young, poor mothers with hopital bills, but there is no excuse for leaving a baby in a trash can or for back alley abortions, but the truth of the matter is that these are small percentages, there will always be the extreme case.

Now the thing that really pisses me off. At the same time they have these "REPENT SINNERS!" people who are always here. They infuriate me. As a Christian I am embarressed by them. Do they think they will reach people like this? Do they think they are giving Jesus a good name? No, they are making us look like bigoted, self-righteous people. They need to understand that they too are sinners. "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." - Jesus. We are not to judge, it is God, and God alone's business to judge and change others. Our job is to love. "Why do you look at the speck in your neighbor's eye, and ignore the plank is your own eye?" - Jesus. "Do not judge or you will be judged" "The same ruler you use to judge others will be used against you." We shouldn't be "scaring" people into accepting Christ. Being obedient is not and should not be about getting out of Hell, but about doing what God wants because you love him and trust him enough to know what is best for you. Sin is not about rules and regulations. There is no law, but there are reccomendations and sin is between you and God. These people are not high and mighty and have no right to tell others to repent. God is the one that needs to convict hearts, we just have to show them who God is.

I saw one sign I appreciated: One girl with two friends stood with a sign that read "As a Christian I apologize for all of this." I wish more would step up like her. Why aren't I? I don't know. I have homework, I'm a coward, I don't what to say. Whatever you want to attribute it to. I want to go up to the repent sinners people and say "You're not helping" but it would be rage filled, and I think there's a point where all I can do is pray and let it go.

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