Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm in Love with Someone

and that someone is God. I was thinking today about Christianity and what it really means. See I don't believe that its about being the best person we can be or campaigning against abortion and gay marriage. It's not about calling other people sinners or even about evangelizing. It's not about going to church and reading your bible everyday, or praying for everyone under the sun. It's about having a relationship with God. For years I rebelled against Christianity because I misunderstood it. I thought I would be boring, that I couldn't do anything fun. I thought God was a sadist. I tried to say he didn't exist. I think many people think that just because I was raised in a Christian home that I just accepted what my parents taught me. Yes, it is true that I was lucky to be introduced to Christianity and thus because of this was given an oppurtunity to go to camp Burton. A place that played a great role in my quest for truth. Without it, I don't know where I would be. But is also true that psychologists figure from twin studies that our home life has a 0-10nfluence on who we are. And from other studies, the fact of going to church as a child had very little bearning in the importance of religion in one's life as an adult. Furthermore, I am the only one in my family as outwardly religious as I am. My sisiter is a Christian, but I'd day I'm the most vocal about it. Furthermore my brother thinks I am a loon.

The fact is this: I did not one day decide that I should be Christian. What happened was that I fell in love with God. Just as we fall in love with people, I fell in love with God. And it was out of that love that I gave my life to him, and he began to change me. Many of you who knew me four or five years ago and are now coming back into contact with me via myspace may be greatly suprised by the difference in me. I rarely swear, I don't drink, I don't make out with anyone, infact am commited to purity, I don't smoke pot or cigarettes, I am much nicer to people, am less selfish. I've changed a lot. And some of it wa due to growing up, some of it was due to coming out of depression, but God changed me. He grabbed my heart on the last night of my last year of camp and said, "You haven't given your life to me." and so I gave it. I have never been so happy in my life. This year has been really hard. Romantic dissapointments, deaths everywhere I turn, fights with friends, it's been stressful, but I got through it without cutting myself or doing anything else I used to do to cope. I did it by blessing God's name and trusting in him. By prayer. My point is that I spread the word of God not becuase I want everyone to agree with me, but because I believe it is the truth, and I have a story that convices me that God is real. I won't say it on here cause it is deeply personal, but if you want to know inquire and I will tell you. It is from this experience and my readings of historical, philosophical and scienctific, that's right, I said scientific evidence that all points to a creator, and not jsut some agnostic creator, but my God, my love, Jesus Christ. My evengelism stems from my extreme compassion and love for others. I want everyone to feel the most pure, full and satisfying love I've ever felt. Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship, and it is through that relationship that I live my life.

God died for us because he wanted us to be able to enter into a relationship with him. There was a debt on all of us. We are all sinners and have all fallen short. We all are deserving of hell. God does not send people to hell, they send themselves. God is a just God, there was nothing else he could do. So he gave his son who was perfect to take on the debt of us all. It was through this that we were freed from the law. We were given a pardon.

Ginnie read a story at camp. There was a man set to be executed. He was given a pardon right before he was to be executed. He declined it. They executed him. Later they were wondering was he pardoned the moment it was offered or was he pardoned only when he accepted it. They decided that he was pardoned the moment he accepted it. So it is with us. We all have a pardon called in for us, but we have to accept that, and we do that by professing that Jesus is our Lord and savior and asking him to come into out hearts.

Some of you may think I am a loon. Think how can I love something I've never seen or touched. How can I be so sure? How can someone love a God they've never heard?

I can love God because I have felt him. Numerous times God has spoken to me. It's not audible. It's usually in emotions. Almost an inclination but stronger. Well was I imagining it? The instance that convices me cannot be my imaginiation. It is impossible. Further more there is a bit of agreeance on what its like when God is talking to you. I hear it explaind quite similar to what I feel. Further more apologetics back it up. Some people have never felt or heard God. I didn't for years. I believe if you honeslty and earnestly pray to hear his voice, you will hear it. For years I demanded that God come and speak to me, but it wasn't until I asked him to out of pure want for truth and a relationship that he finally called to me loud and clear. It wasn't a huge explosive thing, but it was enough for me to just know. I've seen the Lord call and chance people that seemed unreachable. It can happen.

I am here to discuss God with anyone. I can take anyone to church. I can lend books. I can be a friend. I just felt lead to write this. Go ahead ask me. Ask me.

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